John Fial
2024 Independent
Candidate for President
Ready to take decisive action on new ideas, John Fial is the ideal candidate to revitalize our great nation. John is focused on healing three key elements of our country: our people, our politics, and our planet. Join us in our quest to put an Independent American, a veteran, and young father in the White House in 2024!
Healing Our People
America's people are the backbone of our nation, but we’ve neglected to listen to our own voices for far too long. No more! Let's bring power back to the people!
Healing Our Politics
The divisiveness taking place between the Democrats and the Republicans has stalled our government. We need a new leader to unite both parties to make real, positive change.
Healing Our Planet
To save our home, we need strong, sensible policies focused on economic improvement and sustainability. It's time to think big.