Frequently asked questions

  • I believe that politics should not be a career but a form of public service. My decision to run for President directly is driven by a desire to bring fresh perspectives and real-world experience to the highest office. The urgency of the challenges we face—political polarization, climate change, economic inequality—requires bold action from the top down, not a slow climb through the political ranks. I aim to inspire others to see leadership differently and show that you don't have to be a career politician to make a meaningful impact.

    For a more in-depth explanation, see my blog post.

  • We understand the concern about potentially splitting the vote in a way that could inadvertently help one of the major party candidates. However, our goal is to build a truly independent movement that represents the will of the people, not just perpetuate the two-party system that has dominated American politics for so long.

    We’re aiming for at least 10 million Americans to donate $10 each, propelling the campaign into the national consciousness. This grassroots support will enable us to fight against Trump, Harris, and the two-party system that many believe is not only failing our nation, but possibly destroying it, too. With this momentum and funding, our aim is to either secure ballot access or mount viable write-in efforts in all states in order to present a viable, independent alternative that truly reflects the people's voice.

    However, I am committed to acting responsibly. If we do not reach a viable level of support—whether that’s a consistent double-digit percentage in national polls, such as 20% or 25%, or raising sufficient multi-million dollar funds by Halloween—I will end the campaign to avoid being a spoiler in the election. This approach ensures we do not unintentionally affect the outcome in favor of one of the major parties.

    Moreover, I believe Halloween and Day of the Dead share a common theme of honoring those who came before us, and I propose we fuse these celebrations into a new national holiday (see our section "Holidays" under Healing our Politics). This would be a day of reflection and gratitude for our ancestors, right before we cast our votes for the future of our nation.

    In summary, our campaign is about offering a meaningful choice and empowering voters, not jeopardizing the democratic process. If the support isn’t there to make an independent run viable, I will step aside in recognition of the greater goal of ensuring a fair election outcome.

  • No, I don’t. The idea of having the power to destroy cities is horrifying, not appealing. My focus is on diplomacy, peace, and collaboration—not wielding destructive power. The best leaders are those who seek to prevent conflict, not engage in it. My goal as President would be to de-escalate tensions, reduce nuclear arsenals globally, and foster a world where such devastating capabilities are never used.

  • I strongly look forward to the day we have a female President! However, my concern is with candidates who seek power in ways that seem more about control than about serving the people. I believe leadership should be grounded in humility and a respect for the Constitution, rather than a desire for unchecked authority. Unfortunately, both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris appear to prioritize their own ambitions over the role of President as a servant of the people.

    I would enthusiastically support reforms that encourage more female leadership, including my proposed presidential election system, which could begin with a lottery limited to female candidates. While this would be unconventional and might seem unfair to some, it could be a progressive step forward, and I would support it in Congress.

    Let’s not forget, in recent years, we’ve had many qualified female candidates: Elizabeth Warren, Tulsi Gabbard, Amy Klobuchar, Marianne Williamson, and Kirsten Gillibrand in 2020, and Nikki Haley in 2024 on the Republican side. While no one is perfect—myself included—these women represent strong, capable leadership. I believe we can do much better than Kamala Harris, and that the first female President should be someone who embodies the principles of service and constitutional integrity.

  • My qualifications come from a life of diverse experiences and service, not from climbing the political ladder. As a U.S. Air Force veteran, a parent, and someone who has both lived and worked in multiple states and countries, I bring a wide-ranging perspective and a deep understanding of the challenges Americans face every day. Leadership is not about how many years you've spent in elected office; it's about your ability to unite, inspire, and drive change. I am committed to bringing fresh ideas and a new approach to the presidency.

  • My top three priorities are healing our people, healing our politics, and healing our planet.

    These pillars are interconnected, and together they represent a vision for a healthier, fairer, and more sustainable America.

  • A write-in campaign is more than just a name on a piece of paper; it’s a powerful statement against the status quo. Voting for me is an act of courage and defiance, a call for leadership that is not bound by party lines or political gamesmanship. We have a unique opportunity to break free from the two-party system and elect a President who truly represents the people’s interests. By writing in my name, you’re choosing to believe in the possibility of a government that works for all Americans, not just the political elite.

  • Unity starts with listening. I plan to travel extensively across the country, engaging with people from all walks of life to understand their concerns and hopes. My administration would prioritize dialogue and cooperation over partisanship, working with a diverse, non-partisan cabinet of experienced professionals to address the nation's challenges. By focusing on common ground and shared values, we can begin to heal the divisions that have plagued our politics for too long.

  • I believe that presidential campaigns have become far too long, turning into an endless spectacle that distracts from the actual governance and decision-making necessary to lead the country effectively. Campaigns should be concise and focused, allowing candidates to present their visions clearly without exhausting the public or themselves.

    See our proposal for a better system for Presidential Elections, the Presidential Election Modernization, under the "Healing Our Politics" pillar. This system, which combines a national lottery with ranked-choice voting, would reduce the Presidential Election cycle to just a few short months.